PP Pointing Poker

What is pointing poker?

Pointing poker, also known as planning poker or scrum poker, is a fun way for a team to agree on how much work different tasks will take in Agile software development. It gets everyone involved and helps the team agree on the workload.

How it works:

  • Pointing Poker cards: Use cards with special numbers (Fibonacci sequence) to estimate the effort needed for the task at hand.
  • Estimating work for tasks: The team looks at the tasks that need to be done.
  • Talking about the tasks: The team talks to understand the tasks better.
  • Private guessing: Everyone picks a card, the cards remain private.
  • Showing cards together: Once everyone has picked a card, all cards are revealed at the same time.
  • Consensus? If there is a clear majority or a consensus, the team moves on. If not...
  • Discussion ensues If people's guesses are different, it may indicate that the task is not well understood. Refine and repeat.